Chapter 7: Extending into Daily Life
This chapter reminds the reader that this type of prayer is not meant to replace other kinds of prayers, and of course works best in conjunction with other forms of spiritual discipline. Best practices are that one would engage in centering prayer twice a day for 20 minutes. My advice is that you might start out with a more modest goal of five minutes three times per week and work up from there.
This chapter also discusses "breath" prayers, where a short prayer is uttered from time to time during the day that really represents a larger, longer prayer of our heart. Here are a few examples:
This chapter also discusses "breath" prayers, where a short prayer is uttered from time to time during the day that really represents a larger, longer prayer of our heart. Here are a few examples:
- Abba, I belong to you
- Jesus, come to my aid
- Do your will in me
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